- Take the form view on the design page of the default.aspx.
- On its source code , u need to write the following code under the form view code.
- naina and sneha which is written in the blue color is userdefined . u can write anything in place of it.
- the pink color text consists of directive:
login id & contact id = u can write any other table name in place of it . basically this is the table name .
EVal = it retrieves the particular value from sql database.
- U need to add the namespace in the namespace list given in the above default.aspx.cs page.
- On the page load of the default.aspx.cs , do the following code :
SqlDataAdapter b;
DataSet c;
a = new SqlConnection("server = . ; uid = sa ; pwd = ans ; database = adventureworks");
b = new SqlDataAdapter("select ContactID, LoginID from HumanResources.Employee where EmployeeID = "1",a);
c = new DataSet( );
formview1.DataSource = c;
formview1.DataBind( );
- a = is a object for sql connection class and is userdefined , u can write anything in place of it.
- b = is a object for sql data adapter class.
- c = is a object for dataset class.
- . = is represented for using system resources and it will take server name automatically.
- sa = is a default sql server 2005 id.
- ans = is a password which u have given at the install time .
- adventure works = is a database which u have in ur sql server 05. u can take any database which u have made in sql .
- contactID and login ID= is a columns name is the adventure work database.
- humanresources.employee = is a table name having employee column.
- employeeID = is a column name of the human resources table.
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